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Pirastro Passione Double Bass, E (Extension), 3/4

Pirastro  |  SKU: P1-349620
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Pirastro’s Passione strings for Double Bass are a high-tensile string. Ideal for arco playing, these strings are best suited to orchestral bass players. The core sound is full and round with warm overtones. Focussing on the arco playability of the string, Pirastro has worked to create strings with a diversity of sounds for the arco player, which work well with all possible bow strokes creating a great variety of sounds. No matter whether playing Spiccato or Legato, the sound can be altered as desired independently from the bowing speed. The big advantage of the Passione strings is that the sound does not need to be developed by using excess bow pressure as the strings vibrate freely and easily. ,,Handmade in Germany.